Ace by DAISY App

Ace LogoFollowing feedback from our users who found the Ace by DAISY command line tool useful but in some instances challenging to use, we are delighted to bring you the new Ace by DAISY App.

The Ace by DAISY App is a desktop application for Windows, MacOS and Linux, allowing EPUB accessibility testing directly from your desktop, helping to ensure your EPUB content conforms with the EPUB Accessibility 1.0 specification, and allowing all readers to access and enjoy your content.

The Ace by DAISY App is designed to allow users to quickly test EPUB files through a familiar graphical user interface and highlight any issues which need to be addressed. Users will still need some understanding of the EPUB specification and it’s accessibility requirements in order to resolve any problems found, but to make that process easier the Ace App is integrated with the DAISY Accessible Publishing Knowledge Base proving quick links to the relevant reference in this essential resource.

The Ace App is not intended to replace the command line tool, which remains the ideal solution for those wishing to test multiple documents or to integrate the testing process directly into production workflows. Technically the testing process taking place behind the scenes is identical on both the Ace by DAISY command line tool and the Ace App, so this is simply an easier way for some users to access the same process.

Notable Features of the Ace by DAISY App

  • Friendly user interface with “drag and drop” support for quick testing.
  • Interface available in English or French, with more languages coming.
  • Tight integration of the DAISY Accessible Publishing Knowledge Base.
  • The App will keep you informed when a new version is available.
  • A new editor for accessibility metadata has been included in the 1.1.1 version which can also be used to remediate titles

Download the Ace App and find further developer’s notes, along with installation instructions at: