European Accessibility Act

The European Accessibility Act is fast approaching and as we look forward to 2025, many people have questions and requirements for resources and guidelines. Many of the following resources have been put together by the European Inclusive Publishing Forum. If you have a resource to add please contact us with the details.

DAISY EAA Countdown Webinar Series

With a little over 12 months to go until the European Accessibility Act comes into force the DAISY Consortium is excited to bring you the next season of their highly regarded webinar series, entitled, “Counting Down to the EAA”.

There is much work still to be done in preparation for the new directive and, with this in mind, we want to bring our audience the very latest news, solutions and thoughts on various important topics of greatest interest to the publishing community. We publish an overview together with recordings and resources for each webinar so you will want to see the latest episodes available on our home page.

Focus on Markets: Case Studies from European Partners

The European Accessibility Act has galvanized many European countries and The DAISY Consortium has been pleased to take part in many interesting and collaborative conversations with partners, members and interested parties. Each country has their own story and their own unique set of experiences in approach to the EAA and we are attempting to capture some of these in our new series of case studies. The more we can share and learn from each other, the better prepared we hope everyone will be.

European Accessibility Act Toolkit for Transposition

This toolkit from the European Disability Forum (EDF), aims to give disability advocates tools and proposals to push for strong national legislation and adequate implementation complying with the European Accessibility Act. Available in English, Spanish, sign language, English easy read.

Video: Advocating for strong national adoption of the European Accessibility Act

On September 30th 2020, the European Disability Forum (EDF) organised a webinar about the transposition of the European Accessibility Act at national level, this is to adapt or introduce laws in the country to comply with the European legislation.
English, with captions, sign language

The European Accessibility Act—Consideration for the Publishing Industry and Benefits to Consumers Globally

DAISY webinar recording and write-up focused on the new European Accessibility Act and implications for publishing and reading. English, captions.

Introduction to the European Accessibility Act

An introduction to the Act from the European Commission. English with captioned video.

EU Directive 2019/882 on the Accessibility Requirements for Products and Services

Legislation that came into force in 2019 defining the various elements of the European Accessibility Act and their implementation schedule. Available in 24 languages.