Accessible Publishing Conference Schedule Announced

Next month sees the inaugural Accessible Publishing Conference take place in London with an exciting schedule, just announced.
Hosted by Google and organized by DAISY and RNIB, November 9th will be a day of thought-provoking presentations and stimulating discussion. The agenda, with times in GMT/UTC includes:
- 09:30 Welcome Lord Holmes of Richmond MBE
- 10:00 Towards Accessible Content
- 11:30 How We Read Accessible Books
- 12:30 Table Demos
- 13:30 Welcome Anna Tylor, Chair, RNIB
- 14:00 The Accessibility Toolbox
- 14:45 Distribution and Reading Apps
- 15:30 International Perspectives
- 16:00 Reflections on the day
This is a hybrid event with very limited in-person attendance but lots of online capacity and best of all…it’s free! Make sure you sign up to attend, wherever you are and take advantage of this opportunity to connect and learn from the experts. Industry thought leaders confirmed include Amazon, Google, Ingram Content Group, VitalSource and others.
The voice of people with disabilities at this event is central. Lord Holmes of Richmond MBE who is blind will open the conference and delegates will also hear from Anna Tylor, RNIB Chair and past Chair of Dyslexia Action. See the full list of conference presenters. We will discover from people with print disabilities how they are empowered by accessible publications, well designed reading systems and assistive technologies.
Register now to secure your spot and we look forward to welcoming you to this exciting day of learning.