IPG 2024 Autumn Conference

September 17, 2024

Location: London, UK


The Independent Publishers Guild’s Autumn Conference is one of the biggest and best events of the UK publishing year. Thus one day event will be packed with inspiring speakers, practical advice and brilliant networking and we are delighted that accessibility is a core element of this year’s focus. There are 2 sessions dedicated to accessibility:

  • Making Content Accessible. With the European Accessibility Act looming, it’s more important than ever to make content available to all—including those with print disabilities. Bloomsbury’s Achim Chitty brings a case study of accessibility in action and shares tips for optimising workflows for content conversion, while Simon Mellins contributes some dos and don’ts for using AI-based tools to help comply with the Act.
  • Metadata, the EU and Accessibility. The conference theme of accessibility continues with a session from metadata guru, Graham Bell of EDItEUR. There’s no better guide to how good ONIX practice can support publishers work and meet the obligations of theEU directive on deforestation and the European Accessibility Act. This session will include a publishing case study of the vital accessibility aspects of metadata management.