Frankfurt Book Fair 2024

Start date: October 16, 2024 - End date: October 20, 2024

Location: Frankfurt


Frankfurt Book Fair is one of the most important marketplaces worldwide for printed and digital content and a great social and cultural event. Publishing experts, writers, and supply chain contacts from the creative industries across the world come together and Frankfurt becomes a hub for the media and publishing industry.

There are a number of accessibility events being planned and we will update this page with details as they become available. Of particular interest to our readers are:

The Accessibility Era: Are you Ready For It?

October 16th, 1pm, Frankfurt Studio

The publishing industry has recently transitioned through various phases: e-books, subscription models, big data. Now, it has entered the era of accessibility, with publishers and all actors in the value chain working diligently to meet the upcoming European Accessibility Act deadline in June 2025.Organized by the LIA Foundation speakers include:

Host: Porter Anderson, Publishing Perspectives

  • Elisa Molinari, Fondazione LIA
  • Simon Holt, Elsevier UK
  • Alessandra Porcelli, Mondadori Education

Accessibility Meet Up

October 16th, 2-4pm, Room Entente

The APACE project is hosting a networking event with international colleagues and accessibility experts.Everyone is invited to join the international crowd of accessibility experts to discuss the challenges of inclusive publishing.