Are You Making Use of DAISY Tools?

The DAISY Consortium, with its members, enables publishers to create accessible content. The following resources can be integrated within your mainstream workflows so that your content can be as accessible as possible.
Ace by DAISY is a free, open source EPUB accessibility checking tool which has been created to assist in the evaluation of conformance to the EPUB Accessibility Specification. Designed to assist content providers at any stage in their workflow, Ace by DAISY makes it easier to produce higher quality, more accessible EPUB content files that meet internationally recognized standards.
This tool will help your company meet industry requirements of accessible procurement, and will enable you to produce higher quality, standards conformant publications. Your production teams can be reassured that they are performing the necessary checks to ensure that your content is accessible as possible and, consequently, meeting the needs of all your readers. It will also enable distributors and consumers to verify the accessibility claims of publishers.
DAISY’s Simple Manual Accessibility Reporting Tool (SMART) has been designed to integrate with Ace by DAISY. It provides the manual conformance checks necessary to ensure conformance with EPUB and WCAG requirements.
Accessible Publishing Knowledge Base
The DAISY Accessible Publishing Knowledge Base provides best practices for creating accessible digital publications. Its primary focus is on EPUB but can be used as a reference for any HTML-based format. Widely seen as the definitive encyclopedia for everyone working within accessibility development and production, you will want to be able to add this to your list of ready references.
These resources are fast becoming a vital part of many publishers’ workflows. Make sure your in-house teams are making use of them and are aware of the difference they can make.