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As Enforcement of the EAA Draws Closer, Publishers Should be Working on these Areas.
Digital publishing consultant and accessibility specialist, Simon Mellins, considers a number of areas that publishers should be focusing on in advance of the European […]
Countdown to EAA Webinar Series: The Essentials In Your Toolbox, T-122
Accessible digital publishing can be a complex topic. Thankfully a portfolio of tools and services are available to guide you on your accessible publishing […]
Countdown to EAA Webinar Series: Accessibility Metadata, T-157
Metadata is a topic that everyday consumers easily overlook, but it provides the framework that enables the publishing industry to function. Everyone in the […]
The EAA: What Does it Mean for UK Higher Education Providers?
This interactive workshop, hosted by Jisc and the Glenlead Centre as part of the accessible digital futures project, will help to clarify the significance and relevance of the […]
Countdown to EAA Webinar Series: Accessibility in Practice, T-206
This webinar, designed to coincide with the European day for people with disabilities, will share messages from people across Europe. We will learn how […]
BIC Brunch: The EAA – Digital Content
At this event, industry speakers will take attendees through the accessibility requirements for digital book content, including EPUB and PDFs. Learn about the EAA’s […]
BIC Brunch: EAA, Metadata
The second session of the brand-new series of webinars dedicated to Accessibility from BICexplores the EAA requirements in terms of the data contained within […]
Technical Approaches to Upgrading the Backlist for the EAA, T-339 Days (W)
In our new series of EAA monthly webinars July 24th saw a session focused on the complexities of reworking existing materials to incorporate accessibility. This […]
Countdown to EAA Webinar Series: Reading Solutions, T-241
Ensuring people can read accessible ebooks across a variety of different platforms, customizing the presentation of that content, and supporting the use a diverse […]