Here you will find all the latest news and upcoming events.

Latest News

Ace by DAISY New Release

The DAISY team are pleased to announce updated versions of both the Ace by DAISY app and the command line tool used by publishers […]

The EAA Drives Increased LIA Foundation Membership

Accessibility is now a priority for many Italian publishers, driven by the upcoming European Accessibility Act (EAA) which comes into effect from 28 June 2025. […]

Advancing Digital Accessibility for Scientific and Technical Publications

The DAISY Consortium, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) are pleased to announce that they are partnering […]

Upcoming Events

The Bologna Book Fair is one of the most prominent fairs dedicated to the publication of material for children globally. Now entering it’s 7th decade the fair continues to inspire and excite children’s publishers throughout the world and there is always an important focus on accessibility.

This year there will be a 2 events organised by the APACE project which will focus on image descriptions in children’s books:

  • Bringing Stories to Life: Inclusive Strategies for Accessible Illustrations in Children’s Books and More. Text and images each contribute in their own way to the experience of a story in children’s books. Making images accessible to readers is essential for a complete and inclusive reading experience. In this seminar participants will experience what it means when you miss out on illustrations, and learn the art of doing justice to the richness of images through image description.
  • Accessibility Meet Up on Image Description. Following the above seminar, participants are invited to join a networking event with international colleagues and accessibility experts. After a short introduction, participants will be able to choose to join 2 discussions led by accessibility experts: on AI and Images OR Image Description and Publishing Accessible Ebooks.

Accessibility is one of publishing’s hottest topics in 2025, and European Union legislation will put new requirements on publishers from June. Is your publishing properly accessible, and are you ready for the new legal obligations? To help, the Independent Publishers Guild is offering timely expert guidance in a new, online, training session.

The one-day training delivers an expert overview of accessibility issues and lots of practical tips and tools to improve your publishing. Led by publishing consultant and accessibility specialist Simon Mellins, it will provide:

  • An introduction to the subject and the European Accessibility Act
  • A guide to making content fully accessible and compliant, with a focus on workflows and design
  • A deep dive into image descriptions with examples of good practice
  • Tips for developing accessibility strategies in metadata, distribution, backlist and more, plus how AI can help
  • Time for questions and discussion.

GAAD 2025 falls on May 15th this year and we’ve seen a huge increase in the number of events being held all over the world, both in person and online.This event is about raising awareness and encouraging involvement in your organization’s accessibility journey. With the European Accessibility Act fast approaching now is more important than ever to increase the availability of your digital content to readers with print disabilities.

No doubt you have matters in hand. If your organization has an accessibility advocate then this is their chance to build awareness and co-ordinate activities that your teams may be able to take part in whether at home or in the office. Our publishers toolkit will give you lots of ideas and help get you started.